Be Yourself #1

by Bonnie Bruno
Be Yourself #1
Bonnie Bruno
Digital Art - Digital Art
One of the most valuable things my parents taught me was to not let friends tell me who I was. I learned that in God's sight, each of us is an individual, gifted with special talents, abilities, and a unique way of expressing ourselves. This typographical art print says it simply: Be Yourself.
June 24th, 2012
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Comments (13)

Lois Bryan
So happy to see this here at FAA, Bonnie ... I am so loving the detail and the glowing magic!!!! Clever, clever you!!!!!!!!!! f/v

Lianne Schneider
Love this to pieces! What an inspiring and uplifting work of art. I can think of a million young men and women's rooms, classrooms, etc, where this would be so meaningful. I wonder why it takes us so long to learn that the only person we can be good at being is ourselves!! Wonderful work Bonnie - just wonderful. F/V